The BBC series follows English teacher Claire (Rebecca Hall) and her student (Ollie West), who begin to hear a low hum that ...
If you've seen all four episodes of The Listeners, you might still have questions about the origin of the hum and exactly ...
One evening, Claire (Rebecca Hall) starts to detect a hum. “Can you hear that buzzing?” she asks her husband. He can’t. She ...
The Listeners: who plays who in the BBC conspiracy theory drama - The show follows how an English teacher’s life falls apart ...
Her life is simple – almost boring – until she begins to hear a constant, low, monotonous humming. Audiologists tell her that ...
The Listeners is based on the 2021 novel of the same name by Jordan Tannahill. However, the novel is inspired by Tannahill ...
Based on the novel by Jordan Tannahill, English teacher Claire and a student (Ollie West) start to hear a low humming noise ...
THE new BBC drama The Listeners is about an English teacher who hears a humming sound that no one else can pick up. The show ...
THE Listeners is a captivating BBC drama based on Jordan Tannahill’s 2021 novel of the same name. The four-part miniseries ...
Prick up your ears! You can watch The Listeners on Tuesday, November 19 at 6am GMT, when all four episodes land on BBC ...
Can some of us also hear the disturbing sound that plagues characters in the hit TV show – and where is it coming from?
"The Listeners" airs weekly in the U.K. with episodes going out every Tuesday at 9 p.m. GMT. It can also streamed in full on BBC iPlayer right now. International release dates are TBC.