A Bloodborne 60fps mod and a PSX "demake" have been DMCA'd by Sony, leading the modder to speculate a remake is in ...
Original Story: Almost four years down the line, Sony has issued a DMCA takedown request against an unofficial Bloodborne ...
It's a question action RPG fans have been asking for years as everyone's pondered when or if we're ever going to get a PS5 ...
State of Play has come and gone, and so too has another opportunity for Sony to announce a Bloodborne remaster.This week's presentation saw Sony pull back the curtain to reveal a sneak peek at its ...
Bloodborne Kart is getting a DLC (that's good!), but Bloodborne PSX has received a copyright strike (that's bad!) ...
After Sony recently sent a DMCA for a mod that allowed Bloodborne to be played at 60 FPS on PS4, another DMCA has just hit ...
After nearly four years of players using a mod that upgrades FromSoftware's Bloodborne to 60fps, Sony Interactive ...
UPDATE (12/02/25, 9:00 AM GMT): The State of Play stream is now scheduled and visible on PlayStation's YouTube channel, so we ...
Much like Rockstar Games and Nintendo, Sony takes down a 60 FPS mod for Bloodborne that could hint at potential future ...
Look, you can afford five minutes away from the theory board that's covered in more bits of paper and drawing pins than a ...
PlayStation fans are convinced that Bloodborne will make an appearance during the imminent State of Play event.
The patch in question removes Bloodborne's 30 fps cap. As discussed in a May 2020 Digital Foundry interview with McDonald, this doesn't produce particularly desirable results on the base PS4, but ...