California is spending more than it expected on Medi-Cal and Republican lawmakers are pointing to coverage expansions that ...
A new study is accusing California of exploiting a Medicaid funding loophole to funnel billions into healthcare for illegal ...
Republicans are blaming coverage expansions that benefited immigrant households for California's $3.4 billion Medi-Cal ...
California’s Medicaid program has borrowed $3.4 billion from the state’s general fund — and will likely need even more — to ...
California is in need of a $3.44 billion loan to cover a shortfall in "Medi-Cal," which is the state's Medicaid program, ...
SPLC designated hate group cites a desire to shift its mission focus to stabilize the population from California to the ...
In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democrats in the state Legislature are under pressure to scale back the expansion of ...
California has been credibly accused of using an "existing loophole" to pay for illegal aliens' healthcare with taxpayer ...