Higher latitudes on the moon with slopes facing the poles "are not only scientifically interesting but also pose less ...
Ice could be present at more locations right beneath the Moon's surface at the poles than previously thought, a study of data ...
PRL Ahmedabad researchers use Chandrayaan-3 data to discover more accessible water ice on the moon, affecting future ...
As of now, water-ice on the Moon is understood to be present only in the polar regions, particularly under the craters where ...
Calculations show that slopes facing away from sun and towards the pole with a slope angle greater than 14 degrees will be ...
Published in Communications Earth and Environment, a Nature journal, the study highlights the extreme variations in surface ...
According to data from the Chandrayaan-3 mission, ice could be more widespread below the Moon 's surface than we thought. The ...
In 2023, that lander arrived at the edge ... Moon measured by ChaSTE experiment on-board Chandrayaan-3’, published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment.
Research from India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission reveals more widespread ice presence near the Moon’s poles than previously ...
In August 2023, shortly after the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft notched a flawless touchdown near the lunar south pole, an instrument onboard its lander, called ChaSTE — short for Chandra's Surface ...