The company’s AlphaGeometry2 reaches the level of gold-medal students in the International Mathematical Olympiad.
The match between AlphaGo, an artificial intelligence program developed by DeepMind, and Lee Sedol, a professional Go player, was a significant moment in the history of AI and board games.
In 2015, for example, DeepMind's AlphaGo became the first computer program to ever defeat a human opponent at Go (a game ...
Under founder and CEO Demis Hassabis, DeepMind has been responsible for several huge leaps in AI technology, including AlphaGo, AlphaFold, WaveNet, AlphaCode and Google's Gemini large language model.
At least a decade ahead of expectations, Demis Hassabis and his team at DeepMind created AlphaGo, a software program that defeated Lee Sedol, one of the world's best players, at the complex game ...
Google DeepMind, a group of approximately 200 people ... It made history on March 9 when its "AlphaGo" system beat the world champion of Go, a Chinese board game that machines have been trying ...
The much-hyped tournament ended with 4-1 victory for AlphaGo, whose DeepMind developers will receive $1 million in prize money that they are donating to charities. Lee had the upper hand during ...
In the last month, however, Google DeepMind has started to open up, possibly in a bid to capitalise on the growing interest in its AlphaGo algorithm, which will take on Go world champion Lee Sedol ...