Others don’t submit their products to ASTM for testing and offer no verified independent results of their product’s performance. It’s buyer beware when buying anti-gel additives for diesel fuel.
So yes, modern diesel engines gel more easily than older engines. That’s cold comfort if you forgot to change to winter-grade fuel or add anti-gel additive before the weather turned frigid ...
And while the Lucas anti-gel (9.21mm) and Stanadyne (9.07mm) additives weren ... Power Service Diesel, Amsoil, Peak, and Opti-Lube seemed to make any difference in fuel burn.
Diesel engines power more than you may realize. While diesel was once considered a useless byproduct of the crude oil ...
Benefits include Pour Point Depressant; Arctic Duty Anti-Gel; US EPA Registered; Improves Power; 1 oz Treats 15 Gallons of Diesel Fuel to negative -25° Fahrenheit ...