Are you looking to upgrade your laboratory toolkit to keep pace with technological advancements? Are you wondering how these innovations can enhance your research accuracy, efficacy, and safety?
Complete and attach this form on laboratory equipment after you have certified that no chemical, radioactive or biological contamination is present and the equipment is released for servicing or to ...
return all the hospital equipment, including the Laparoscopy machine. “Only the laboratory machine is valued at approximately N100 million as of today, and it has vanished into thin air for over ...
including a mammogram machine, a well-equipped laboratory, state-of-the-art equipment and several others, through our internally generated revenue (IGR). I don’t know why they are accusing me of ...
The first machine open for business at the new lab is owned by Michelman ... "These are brand new pieces of equipment that have been developed in modular forms to be able to do research and ...
The Information Processing and Machine Learning Laboratory (IPML ... and field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Laboratory equipment includes digital oscilloscopes, video cameras and wireless LAN ...