Ask each student to sum up their initial "gut" reactions to the article in one word and write these words on the board. (5 minutes) Give a presentation on how we express opinions and back them up in ...
What is a Lesson Plan? An effective lesson plan demonstrates how a teacher creates objectives for his or her students and measures how those objectives are mastered. Creating a lesson plan begins with ...
No prior reading is necessary, though a selection of legal writing (memo, brief, or opinion) could be helpful to their understanding. Discuss the general structure of legal writing: This exercise will ...
Jennifer Pudner's 4th grade class at San Juan del Rio Catholic School in Fruit Cove, Fla. learns to write letters by writing them to veterans.
Once you’ve considered what type of after school program is most beneficial, it’s time to consider a funding plan and map out an operating budget ... and the difference in process. Literacy. A writing ...
Please see the Resources section of this lesson plan for further suggestions on web sites that students could use as starting points for further background. After students have finished writing ...
Note: This lesson assumes the teacher has taught students basic information ... Then, check for understanding by asking questions such as: Write "implied warranty of merchantability" on the board. Ask ...
The activity sheet will serve as the “Evaluate” component of each 5-E lesson plan. The activity sheets are formative ... Place the three cups on the white paper. Write Cold, Room temp, and Hot near ...
Uncommon Courses is an occasional series from The Conversation U.S. highlighting unconventional approaches to teaching. Title ...
In this lesson, students will watch the first chapter ... and students with “S” are susceptible. Have students write “50% Immune” and “50% Susceptible” on Round 2 of the student ...
A lesson plan for grades 3-5 titled, "Social Justice Acrostic Poems" had "students share and explore issues they are passionate about through acrostic poetry" The plan has the teacher write down a ...
For an electronic copy of this lesson, or to view other lesson plans, visit Judges in the Classroom on the ... the educational institution has certified in writing to the person making the educational ...