During the recovery of bodies following the Battle of Marne in France in 1914, his pipes were accidentally set off, alerting ...
We all know the stories of the horror of trench warfare in the First World War. Waves of soldiers clambering out of their trenches into a hail of gunfire and nests of barbed wire strewn across no ...
Around 650,000 Canadian soldiers fought in WW1. While much of a soldier’s life at the front line was characterised by boredom and not much happening, when fighting broke out it could be terrifying.
An American WWI soldier writes a letter while encased in ... "I would gladly have given my life," the mayor said, "if I could have spared my fellow-citizens those horrible atrocities." ...
Curriculum-linked session plans explore World War One and the humanitarian impact of armed conflict, using a film created by a young filmmaker from a WWI soldier's point of view. Engage learners with ...
Deaths and survivors in war: The Italian soldiers in WWI This is the metadata section ... and Parent, A. (2018). ‘Farewell life, farewell love’: Analysis of survival inequalities among soldiers who ...