So fire happens. Because it does ... then blossom almost overnight. Lodgepole pine and jack pine rely on the pulse of flame through their crowns to melt away the waxy bond that holds their ...
Today, though, the longstanding fire patterns that gave rise to lodgepole pines are shifting. A growing body of research suggests that larger and more frequent fires, fueled by climate change, will ...
“Lodgepole pines naturally regenerate with forest-clearing ... including the three largest fires ever recorded in Colorado: the Cameron Peak fire, at 208,913 acres; the East Troublesome fire ...
Certain plant species, like lodgepole pine, depend on fire for regeneration, as their cones require heat to open and disperse seeds. However, not all wildfires are natural or beneficial.
In this disorderly, snow-clad forest, riddled with the burnt trunks of lodgepole pines, Amy saw potential. ‘By drawing people in with a beautiful abstract,’ she explains, ‘I hope they might start to ...