In the mountains south of Valle Bravo in Mexico, architects have constructed a net-zero home ensemble that can operate completely off the grid. Many modern-day homes use electricity generated from ...
Pedro Ramírez Vázquez designed the Azteca Stadium, National Anthropology Museum and the 1968 Olympic logo, in a stellar ...
Parque México is Mexico City's coolest space to unwind, enjoy some nature and take in the sights of the big city.
The Uncomfortable Giant, made of totora reeds harvested from Peru’s Lake Titicaca, has adapted from the Peruvian lake, to the ...
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Michan, a Mexico City native and 2019 Design Vanguard, who opened his firm Michan Architecture immediately after completing his undergraduate architecture degree in 2010, had never worked on such an ...
Academia Atlas is a new training facility for Atlas FC designed by Sordo Madaleno and Plantica. Academia Atlas treads lightly into the context. It supports professional athletes, but also young ...