the Nizam of Hyderabad & Berar. Because the scheduled Coronation Durbar next winter of British King & Emperor George VI has had to be canceled by His Majesty (TIME, Feb. 15), there is no immediate ...
His remarkable financial standing earned him a place on the cover of Time magazine on February 22, 1937, with the headline "His Exalted Highness The Nizam Of Hyderabad." Known as the architect of ...
The bottom line of my column says this comedian is here to tell funny stories about Hyderabad ... like the Nizam on a zero budget for a day: Don’t drive the Rolls-Royce Every magazine listicle ...
The walls of the restaurant are decorated with Nizam's pictures and historical events of Hyderabad. I am really excited to get postcard signed by Nizam as it is not about money it is about passion.