The Ministry of Public Works and Environment announced a single-lane closure on Palmetto Road ... will be between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. “Traffic control will be under the direction of the ...
There will be a single-lane closure ... traffic will be reduced to one lane with a lane restriction of 13 feet. Motorists are asked to reduce their speed, follow the direction of all traffic ...
Starting at 10 p.m. on Sunday, a single-lane closure will be in place at the exit to Montgomery Road. This will be followed by a double-lane closure beginning at 2 a.m. on Monday, extending from ...
The state Department of Transportation announced upcoming lane closures as part of ... to drive cautiously, follow traffic control signs and barriers, and plan commutes accordingly.
Various east and westbound single lane ... duration when lane closures are utilized. Speeds reduced to as slow as 35 mph. Flaggers and crews working in close proximity to traffic flow.