Ruins. There are a number of columns, a building with a colonnade and a propylon. The stereoscopic view is mounted on a yellow card printed with the insignia for Good's Eastern Series and is numbered ...
34.3 x 54.3 cm. (13.5 x 21.4 in.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
The monuments of the property include exceptional architecture, such as the Great Temple at ... of ancient Egyptian religion, the rites of the cult of Isis persisted there until the 9th century CE.
His portrayals of ancient sites in Egypt — and Jerusalem, Baalbek, Petra and Arabia — were bound into volumes of lithographs ...
They showcase Egypt's most famous landmarks long before the days of commercial tourism. The Temple of Isis, the Sphinx of Giza, and the Mortuary Temple of Ramesses III are among the iconic ...
Every day at noon, three tiny bells ring in Sonoma County’s Wine Country, and every day, people visiting the little town of Geyserville are welcomed inside a temple covered in hieroglyphics ...
The monuments of the property include exceptional architecture, such as the Great Temple at ... of ancient Egyptian religion, the rites of the cult of Isis persisted there until the 9th century CE.