Visitors will see six central Palm Beach County gardens filled with native plants during the annual tour this month.
First, I want to explain the difference between aggressive and invasive plants. Florida native plants can become aggressive, ...
The garden club got a $500 grant from the Florida Federation of garden clubs to to rejuvenate the gardens at Medart Rec Park.
80. Begin moving cold-sensitive foliage plants to a warm location. Tom MacCubbin is an urban horticulturist emeritus with the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Write him ...
Tom MacCubbin gives advice on gardening in Florida including care of broccoli, pindo palms, tibouchina, California poppies, ...
Driving around the county, I routinely spot invasive exotic plants like Brazilian Pepper (the poster child of invasive exotic plants in Florida), Schefflera, Castor bean, Asparagus densiflorus ...