But if Bernard is a saver, he may have kept some Bethlehem Catholic gold and brown in that wardrobe and that will serve him ...
The principal of a Whitehorse Catholic school has stepped down from her position, alleging that the local bishop — whom she ...
In the Nation’s Report Card, national scores for Catholic school students surpassed public school students for fourth- and ...
The flap over a sharply worded defense of a DEI-themed homework assignment has dragged Ohio gubernatorial candidate Vivek ...
PITTSBURG — As some Catholic schools close their doors due to rising costs and shifting demographics, St. Peter Martyr School ...
K-9 Geo and Investigator Frame visited St. Francis Borgia School, demonstrating sniffing out devices and fostering a bond between students and law enforcement.
Students will move to e-learning on Thursday at Saint Michael Parish in Orland Park following a water main break. Water to ...
In the 1960s, most Catholic school teachers were members of religious orders. Now, many schools have one or two, or no nuns at all.
The school's Board of Trustees said declining enrollment, financial limitations and aging infrastructure led to the stunning ...
Visiting St. Joseph’s Regional Catholic School in Beltsville, Maryland to celebrate a Black History Month Mass on Feb. 26, ...
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. (KNOP) - North Platte Catholic Schools will host the 50th annual Irish Fest celebration on Sunday. The ...
Four Berks teams will open play in the PIAA basketball tournament with home games in the first round. A total of eight Berks ...