Worldwide, SLNB has become an accepted procedure ... node biopsy (SLNB) is an accurate method to stage the nodal basin. Interim outcomes data from MSLT-I showed no differences in 5-year melanoma ...
If there's a chance the cancer could spread to nearby lymph nodes, you might need a sentinel node biopsy. During this procedure, dye is injected into the area where your melanoma was removed and ...
or changes in the way an area of the skin looks may be a sign of melanoma. If cancer is suspected, a skin biopsy will be performed. Once a pathologist looks at the biopsy results, a team of physicians ...
[59] Although initial data from MSLT-I indicated a lower rate of SN identification in head and neck melanoma, prompting some to defer the procedure ... lymph node biopsy. 1 Department of ...