Our last outdoor bowls club competition today, previously delayed due to adverse weather and diary conflicts. The competition entails aiming for a target of three concentric circles with a jack placed ...
Delighted to come across a herd of at least eight of these gorgeous beasts in a field adjacent to Dawsholm Park this afternoon while walking the pooches with Lulabel. The old Temple gasometers in the ...
High & Wide A lovely morning for Millie pups walkies along the front at Severn Beach at high tide. Some extras too.
I like a wander around Doune, always something new to spot. They must have recently popped up a lot of 'historical' signage, as they're gleaming new, and I've not spotted them before. The one for this ...
Weekly shop first thing, then a quick stop-off see the grandchildren followed by a Bowls club meeting and I was taking the minutes; they'll take a bit of sorting. Me and Mrs K took Millie pups on a ...
I have made good friends at work. I am lucky. Looks like I fell asleep at that point in the blip.
This morning I heard unusual bird calls outside the window, followed by a great deal of activity and flitting about in my large maple tree. The streaks of yellow signaled me to grab my camera and head ...
"Haw Mr Heron, have ye missed me?" "Naw ..... now bugger aff, ahm tryin' tae catch ma tea!" ...
However, I need to get on with prep for leading the prayer meeting tonight - luckily this is online, and I will try not to speak too much myself... After I've done this, I'm going back to bed for a ...
A very close indoor bowls league match this afternoon which saw the opposition skip playing a 1 in a 100 shot to take the win. Harsh. Stopped on the way home to capture this blip.