Orientation choices, scholarships, school booklets... As a parent or legal guardian, you can now have a global view of this information on School Services. This service centralizes all ...
The prescription of work stoppages during teleconsultations is subject to new rules. Provisions in the 2025 Social Security Financing Act to combat fraud in sick leave. Service-Public.fr informs you.
Residents of Ehpad and Residence Autonomy can now accommodate a pet. Reception conditions have just been specified in a decree of March 3, 2025. The Act on ‘Aging Well’ of 8 April 2024 allows ...
You can view extracts from the cadastral plan and order them on the internet. You can use the search tool of the cadastral plan consultation service: Search, consultation and order of sheets of ...
The BSR: titleContent (category AM of the license) allows the following vehicles to be driven, depending on the option chosen: Practical training lasts at least 8 hours. If this period is exceeded ...
Do you have a second home? You have to pay the housing tax. On the other hand, the residential tax on principal residences has been abolished since 1 er January 2023. The housing tax on second ...
Do you have to go through a medical check to get your driver's license back after a administrative suspension? We will inform you about the suspension of the permit decided by the prefect ...
One full-rate pension is a no-discount pension, i.e. without any reduction in its amount. As a private sector employee, when you retire, you are entitled to: The amount of your additional pension ...
If you have lost your family booklet, it has been stolen from you, or it is damaged, you can get another booklet. We guide you in your approach. Holders of the family record book, usually ...
Publié le 18 décembre 2023 - Mise à jour le 26 décembre 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister) The increase differs between manufacturers and products.
Pour obtenir votre carte Vitale numérique, vous devez avoir un compte ameli et posséder la carte d'identité au format ...
Le Nutri-Score, l'étiquettage nutritionnel présent sur de nombreux emballages alimentaires, connaît des évolutions. Un arrêté ...