Rightmove CEO Johan Svanstrom has been given 183,759 free ‘performance shares’ or options while CFO Ruaridh Hook gets 97,440.
Landlord duo Aminur Rahman and Sofina Begum have been prosecuted by Tower Hamlets after discovering there were 23 people ...
Without investment in civil courts and tribunals, there will be huge delays in landlords, tenants, and agents accessing ...
FCA says lenders current approach to granting a mortgage is too restrictive and calls for financial sector to help more people onto and up the property ladder.
Property Redress also highlights 56% increase in awards to customers complaining about estate agencies to £1.5 million.
Hampshire-born estate agent, Oliver Goodfellow, is returning to his roots by setting up the Moveli brand in Lymington and the ...
Several local authorities which are quick to issue fines to landlords and agents over poor practice including damp and mould, ...
So claims Zoopla's which, within its regular renters market snapshot, also says Labour's looming rental reforms risk making ...
Sally Lawson, who is a former ARLA President, says leaflet drops are a waste of time and online marketing is the way forward.
Independent councillor Taiba Yasseen has attacked Rotherham’s plans to extend its selective licensing scheme and warns raising fees will push up rents for the most vulnerable.
David Gowland was expelled by a RICS disciplinary panel after leaving his client liable for council legal costs.
John Payne Estate Agents has unveiled its new offices in a historic area of Coventry after a refurbishment project supported by the local council.
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