The purpose of the mid-term review is to assess the continued relevance of the ongoing engagements under the programme, the effectiveness (performance, progress, results) and the efficiency of the ...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks to undertake a Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the Danish-Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP). The current five-year phase of the DAPP started in July 2022 and will end by ...
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) is a global network of civil society organisations and independent experts supporting survivors of torture to heal and rebuild their ...
Background: The European Regional Development and Protection Program (RDPP) in the Middle East aims at supporting civil society, host governments, donors and other stakeholders in understanding and ...
The Legalisation Office is open for personal attendance Monday to Friday 9.00-12.00, Tuesday and Thursday 13.30-15.30. It is not possible to book an appointment.
Herudover kan der være brug for mange forskellige faglige profiler. Til en række stillinger har vi således brug for profiler med erfaring inden for sektorer som f.eks. vandforsyning, ...
Det transatlantiske samarbejde dækker over sikkerhedssamarbejdet i NATO, det bredere handels- og udenrigspolitiske samarbejde mellem Europa og USA samt mellem EU og Canada. Dertil kommer det ofte ...
Denmark shows solidarity with Ukraine through multifaceted and long-term support provided bilaterally and in concert with our partners and allies. Since the outbreak of the war, Danish support to ...
Denmark and the EU aim for greater attention to the wishes and priorities of the African countries. Equal partnerships with African countries is a central focus of the new strategy.
Read more about legalisation of documents here.
The Danish Office of the Special Representative for Freedom of Religion or Belief and the protection of Religious and Belief Minorities was established in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in January ...
The world has become more uncertain and unpredictable after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. With the new Foreign and Security Policy Strategy, the government sets the course for how Denmark best ...