This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...
The animated film studio "Dauka", which has been making animated films for forty years in Latvia, will halt production of new films for an indefinite period due to lack of funds, as producer Ansis ...
Estonia's goal of adopting the euro in two years (2011) is 'feasible' as long as the economic outlook doesn't deteriorate and the government implements a third round of budget cuts, Moody's Investors ...
The advertising campaign of the soft drink Olialia Cola is the first Lithuanian advertising campaign which has been included into a hundred of the most innovative world advertising campaigns by Cream, ...
The Grebneva border control post is one of the largest and best equipped border control posts in Latvia, Finance Minister Andris Vilks (Unity) said today at the opening of the newly-reconstructed post ...
It is likely that Latvian-German joint venture light-bulb manufacturer Vermerk will be sold to investors from Russia or Ukraine, as newspaper "Biznes&Baltija" reports today. Management of the plant, ...
The manager of Estonia's largest meat industry Rakvere Lihakombinaat (RLK) Anne Mere will start working in the company's Finnish owner firm HKScan and will be replaced by Tallegg's manager Teet Soorm ...
In a crucial game at the 2013 Ice Hockey World Championship, needed to remain in the IIHF's top division in 2014, the Latvian national team beat France 3:1, informs LETA. Latvia's next and final game ...
The dispute between the Venspils port company Ventbunkers (VBU) and the Lukoil subsidiary Litasco creates substantial disruption to the export of fuel oil through Latvia. VBU terminal facilities, ...
Director of the Estonian Institute of Economic Research Marje Josing stated that the decline in the average pay is still in the early phases in Estonia, writes EPL Online/LETA. Marje Josing. Analysts ...
The traditional WWII Victory Day events will once again take place at Riga's Victory Park by the Victory Monument today, informs LETA. Just as last year, the events will feature concerts, speeches and ...