Adults with arthritis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have a higher risk for mortality than individuals without COPD.
Weight trajectories differed significantly among patients with HIV during the first year of ART, with no associations observed between weight gain and type of ART regimen.
The Trump administration is weighing elimination of the US CDC Division on HIV Prevention, sparking concerns among public health experts.
Screening adherence is associated with increased overall lung cancer detection rates among individuals undergoing lung cancer screening.
Topline data were announced from a phase 2/3 trial evaluating immune globulin intravenous (human) in patients with post-polio syndrome.
Thanks to a groundbreaking genetic treatment, Sebastien Beauzile is the first person in New York to be cured of the disease.
Wildfire smoke exposure acutely increased IL-13 expression in NK cells and was negatively associated with COVID-19 vaccine immunity.
Cannabis use is associated with an increased risk for adverse cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction.
Recommendations on the strain composition of influenza virus vaccines for the 2025-2026 US season have been issued by FDA.
The risk of developing MS and other demyelinating diseases is 3 times greater in individuals diagnosed with EBV-positive IM.
Coinfection with RSV, REV, and MPV was significantly associated with treatment failure and prolonged treatment in children with viral LRTIs on respiratory support.
From 2016 to 2023, there was an increase in the rate of neonatal intensive care unit admissions for all maternal age groups.