The Royal Oak Memorial Garden is a poignant place. Despite the name, it was established to "offer the chance to reflect on all the lives lost in Scapa Flow in WWI and WWII." As well as the men and ...
The impressive and nicely proportioned mound on which Ruthven Barracks stands is said to be a natural leftover of the retreat of the glaciers at the end of the last ice age. Its regularity suggests ...
Standing a little off to one side of Fort William's High Street towards its north-eastern end is St Andrew's Church. It is separated from the High Street by its churchyard, which is itself surrounded ...
Chanonry Point lies at the end of Chanonry Ness, a spit of land extending over a mile south-east into the Moray Firth from Fortrose and Rosemarkie. The ness projects so far that Chanonry Point ...
The road across the north end of the Trotternish Peninsula emerges on its west coast at the small settlement of Duntulm. Beyond the settlement a rocky promontory is the location of the fragmentary ...
Although this is the shortest crossing point to Skye, it can also be a daunting place because of the tidal flow funneling between Skye and the mainland. The 1878 Edition of the Royal Tourist Handbook ...
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As you pass along the A858 in Western Lewis near the township of Shawbost (Siabost) watch out for a brown tourist sign pointing west towards a Norse Mill. From the small car park, a well made path ...
About mid way between Housesteads Roman Fort and Chesters Roman Fort is a fairly large car park on the south side of the B6318, the road that follows the line of Hadrian's Wall. This is Brocolitia, ...
Huntingtower Castle is to be found just west of Perth, not far from the junction of the A9 and the A85 Crieff road. Its location is unspectacular, and the margins of Perth seem to be growing steadily ...
The old coast road from Arisaig north to Morar is one of the most memorable in Scotland. This isn't because of its twists and turns and narrow single track stretches. No, what makes it truly memorable ...