Arkansas and Georgia both imposed job requirements for Medicaid recipients. Advocates said the programs added red tape and ...
It is unconscionable for Governor Deal to stand in the way of the availability of health care… We are paying the overwhelming cost of this program already through our federal taxes… (Georgia ...
Only 6,500 participants have enrolled in a program that has cost taxpayers more than $86 million — a warning for other states ...
Over half a million Georgians have lost coverage due to the nationwide "unwinding" process that began after the COVID pandemic.
The Democratic U.S. senator is running for reelection in 2026 in what will likely be one of the most hotly contested races in the country.
In a renewed push under the Trump administration, states across the U.S. are revisiting the controversial topic of Medicaid ...
Republican lawmakers could try to siphon billions of dollars from the nearly-free health care coverage offered to the poorest ...
If Republicans instituted work requirements, Medicaid applicants and enrollees would have to prove they’ve worked a certain ...
The Trump administration will likely allow states to impose Medicaid work requirements, but some states have found it to be complicated.
Republicans are weighing billions of dollars in cuts to Medicaid, jeopardizing health care coverage for some of the 80 ...
As the 90-day session comes closer to an end, the idea of Medicaid expansion isn't looking very promising this year in ...