Daniel Pink’s online column about the flaws of traditional grading argues that our institutions of higher education must change how they assess students. If we truly care about preparing our nation’s ...
Next week, third graders will be taking the English Language Arts state test. Toledo teachers explain how they're preparing.
BATON ROUGE, La. - Louisiana is working to make good on its commitment to reduce the time students spend taking state tests.
Starting in third grade, Texas students are required to take the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness test, or STAAR, every year. The Texas American Federation of Teachers and other ...
As a Rigby High instructional coach, Levi Jaynes was appalled at the math scores. In 2018, only about a third of students who ...
Oklahoma law calls for the commission to conduct an “ongoing review” of the state’s cut scores, but it doesn’t specify that ...
Advocates for English learners have raised concerns for years about new reading instruction policies. A new report claims ...
The CCHS music department would like to extend a special thank you to festival judges Thomas Flemming and Nicole Heglund for ...