Troopers of the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry, departed their encampment in Monterey, California, for five months of field duty.
Buffalos,” a brand new literary experience co-authored by Creed Bratton and Nate Edmondson and published by Meridia Books, offers a compelling blend of ...
The story of Buffalo Soldiers riding bicycles 1,900 miles from Montana to Missouri in a post-Civil War military experiment ...
Gregory Louis Edmonds will present a program to the Big Walnut Area Historical Society on the Buffalo Soldiers on Tuesday, ...
Buffalo Soldiers Freedom Force is an autonomous and insurrectionary group operating within the villages near the region ...
A significant part of Fort Stanton's story dates back to the late 1800s with the Ninth Calvary, who later became known as the ...
On the 80th anniversary of World War II’s end, everybody remembers Rosie the Riveter. There were 190,000 Rosie the Riveters ...
Fort Huachuca is the home of the Buffalo Soldiers, who were first stationed in the southwest in 1877. They consisted of units ...
Celebrating Black History, the Professional Buffalo Soldiers organization refuses to let history be forgotten. They say, “Not on their watch.” ...