Council members say hate speech used by the public during city meetings has discouraged others from coming to speak.
City Council President Terrence Mercer says his constituents oppose the shelter and asserts that the hospital's deed doesn't ...
Some on the Council voiced support for Rose using their vacation time to make their voice heard. Others said it interfered ...
A previously unreported look inside the Kansas City Council’s deliberations over the fate of city manager Brian Platt came ...
St. Paul is scrambling to figure out how to collect trash next month after the City Council blocked a garbage contractor’s ...
Tarrant mayoral candidate Tracie Threadford pledges to address the city's blight and improve quality of life and end the town ...
Trans and Queer HOPE will be asking Evansville City Council to pass a resolution protecting people in the city limits who ...
The Council’s Committee on Health and Human Relations took no vote on the resolution championed by Ald. Byron Sigcho-Lopez — ...
Celebrity chef Andrew Gruel was appointed unanimously by the Huntington Beach City Council Tuesday night to take the seat ...
Former Houston City Council member Amanda Edwards announced her bid for Congress on Wednesday to fill the seat vacated after ...
Parkersburg City Council agreed Thursday to increase wages for workers with commercial driver’s licenses by $2 an hour in the ...