Rightward shift of the French political class and persistence of ‘colonial unconscious’ are contributing to mounting tensions ...
The October Crisis, of course, is when a Quebec nationalist terrorist group stages two political kidnappings, prompting the ...
A French battleship sunk by German torpedoes in 1917 is lying upright and almost intact at the bottom of the Mediterranean ...
This led to a situation in which European capital accumulation prepared the way for total world domination and the rise of ...
Eight years later, in 1956, a furious President Eisenhower forced a resolution through the United Nations condemning Israel’s ...
Vladimir Putin has suggested he may treat captured Ukrainian prisoners as 'terrorists' in a move which would likely breach ...
She tells AFPTV: "I was suddenly caught in the middle of dozens and dozens of police with their bullet-proof vests, with sub-machine guns ... 09:55 GMT - 'War on terror' - French Prime Minister ...
F rench French rule over Algeria began in 1830 and would end in 1962 after seven years of a ferocious conflict between the pro-independence FLN (National Liberation Front) and the French military ...
French President Emmanuel ... On 'the wrong track' - Despite demands from Algeria, France refuses to "apologise or repent" for the 132 years of often brutal rule that ended in 1962 after a devastating ...
A prominent French journalist on Sunday announced he was stepping down from his role as an expert analyst for broadcaster RTL after provoking an uproar by comparing French actions during colonial rule ...