Drivers who take U.S. Highway 30 near the Interstate 35 exchange in Ames should be prepared for construction delays and ...
The Iowa Department of Transportation has planned a week of overnight closures along sections of Interstates 35 and 80 in Clive. The closures are part of the next stage in the U.S. 6/Hickman Road ...
An exit on I-35 near Huxley will close for construction, which will cause drivers to take a detour during the duration of the ...
The hands-free driving bill has now passed through the Iowa House and Senate and is on its way to the desk of Governor Kim ...
Fremont County motorists should be advised of major road closure beginning early next month, allowing for multiple bridge ...
as the Iowa DOT shared images of staff clearing out a snow drift in that area and discovered two vehicles buried in the snow along the road. In another picture, you can see a 'no passing' sign ...
The Iowa House passed hands-free driving legislation Wednesday afternoon, sending the bill to Governor Reynold’s desk for her signature.
Middle Road interchange upgrade will start construction this year, which requires about eight acres of a 152-year-old family ...
Drivers in Iowa will be prohibited from operating cell phones and other devices with their hands once Reynolds signs it into ...
A round 5:30 a.m., the Iowa Department of Transportation reported a crash blocking Interstate 35 northbound near Clear Lake.