With President Donald Trump back in the White House and congressional Republicans eying Medicaid cuts, Virginia Democrats are ...
Medicaid expansion in Georgia has gained bipartisan support, with four Republican senators signing the Democrat-backed bill.
Polling shows Medicaid and other federal health programs are widely popular. The Trump administration and new Republican ...
Congress and Republican President Donald Trump have made it clear they intend to consider far-reaching policies to limit the ...
Kennedy Jr. about his commitment to aiding rural hospitals during Kennedy’s confirmation hearing, it was one of the rare ...
North Carolina was the 40th state to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Lambeth said lawmakers in some of the ...
A menu of options being circulated by congressional Republicans also includes new tax cuts for corporations and the ...
But Illinois has a “trigger” law that would automatically end Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansions in the state if federal ...
Amid a likely debate between Mississippi House and Senate leaders over plans to slash state taxes, Republican Gov.
They know the impact of this uncertainty on their constituency, but they also don’t want to be seen as crossing El Caudillo ...
Introducing work requirements for Medicaid recipients is something the GOP has suggested will be brought into action.
The Democrats are a party controlled by elites, liberals and special interest groups. They are out of touch with America’s ...