When asked about the biggest financial challenge facing families today, 41.8% pointed to rising costs, making it the dominant ...
The key question: Is it timely to lock in a higher nominal or real yield? The answer, of course, is that no one knows. Because yields and inflation will fluctuate, and no one really knows in what ...
It takes around $2900 to buy an ounce of gold today, evidence that another round of "inflation" is now upon us.
These days, everybody cares about economic growth in China—as they should. Depending on how you measure it, China’s economy ...
Despite regular pay rising the most in more than 30 years and overtime pay increasing, lifting nominal wages, inflation at a ...
This projection implies that in spite of a massive decline in reported inflation nominal GDP was budgeted to rise by 17 percent again while the real GDP growth was perhaps projected on the back of ...
Japan’s households reduced their collective stash of cash at the fastest pace on record last quarter as they sought to cope ...
Türkiye's housing market has capped a year of decline in real terms as property price increases continue to fall short of inflation, official ...
I offer ranking data on three timelines and feature a graph of rankings on nominal vs. real interest rates (deflated by lagging 12-mo PCE inflation) and show the real-Vs-nominal ranking difference ...
The Federal Statistical Office said real wages - the difference between nominal wage increases and inflation - were up 3.1% in 2024, the highest figure since the Wiesbaden-based agency started ...