A deadly new oak-tree disease can be prevented by pruning them in the dormant season (if needed) instead of spring or summer.
Oak wilt is a fungal disease that can weaken white oaks and kill red oak trees within just a few weeks. The fungus enters the tree through wounds that are often caused by pruning or storms.
Oak wilt is caused by the fungus Bretziella fagacearum and it will kill oak trees, especially trees in the red oak family ...
In the Midwest, sharing firewood is common. If someone cuts down a tree, they often offer the extra firewood to friends.
Some lawn maintenance is recommended now that the leaves have fallen.Experts explained why this is the best time of year to ...
If there is one certainty for all humans, it’s that we are drawn to natural elements.
Oak wilt disease occurs when a fungal pathogen infects a tree ... Eventually, the infection can move to other roots nearby by infecting a new oak tree. The red oak tree is more susceptible to fungal ...
Other trees to eliminate are those subject to serious insect and disease problems that kill or disfigure their hosts. In the ...