A geneticist gently prises open the branches of family trees to reveal hidden kinships. Plus, the world's oldest crater and a proposed energy plant in Chile threatens the dark skies over some of ...
Bioinformatics is a field of study that uses computation to extract knowledge from biological data. It includes the collection, storage, retrieval, manipulation and modelling of data for analysis ...
Physics attempts to both answer philosophical questions about the nature of the universe and provide solutions to technological problems. A conference on classical and quantum technologies using ...
The microbiome comprises all of the genetic material within a microbiota (the entire collection of microorganisms in a specific niche, such as the human gut). This can also be referred to as the ...
Genetics is the branch of science concerned with genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms. It seeks to understand the process of trait inheritance from parents to offspring, including ...
Evolution is the process of heritable change in populations of organisms over multiple generations. Evolutionary biology is the study of this process, which can occur through mechanisms including ...
Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi and protozoa. This discipline includes fundamental research on the biochemistry, physiology, cell ...
Marine biology is the study of life in the oceans and brackish waters, which ranges from archaea and bacteria to marine mammals, and includes organisms such as corals that affect the shape of the ...
Physical sciences are those academic disciplines that aim to uncover the underlying laws of nature - often written in the language of mathematics. It is a collective term for areas of study ...
Regenerative medicine is the branch of medicine that develops methods to regrow, repair or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs or tissues. Regenerative medicine includes the generation and ...
Biogeography is the study of the large-scale distribution of species. It investigates how these distributions change over time and the processes that govern distribution patterns. A global ...
Understanding the genetic basis of valuable crop wild relatives (CWRs) could enable their use in expanding crop diversity and enhancing production. The first reference genome for Hordeum I-genome ...