The Parking and Transportation Department is asking students, staff and visitors to fill out a UNM mobility survey. It asks their experience using bikes and other micromobility devices on campus.
Efforts by New Mexico lawmakers to contain violent crime took center stage Saturday at the conclusion of an annual ...
I can’t understate the importance of removing that property from the area in terms of reduction in criminal activity,” said ...
Our Interactive Campus Map allows you to get detailed information on buildings, parking lots, athletic venues, and much more - all from your computer or mobile device. You can even use the Wayfinding ...
TROY, Mich. (AP) — A hospital employee shot a coworker in a parking garage Thursday in suburban Detroit, setting off a morning scramble at a major health care campus before the suspect was ...
Come be inspired by what our world-class city has to offer on a virtual tour. Directions to campus, a campus map, parking locations and public transportation information are available on our Chicago ...
The University of Cincinnati says that a campus-wide power outage affected ... such as concessions, parking, and traffic lights, were all functioning as normal.No additional information was ...
Five championships will be awarded to high school girls basketball teams in New Mexico over a two-day span ... Pit” on the University of New Mexico campus in Albuquerque. Three title games ...
New Mexico has forged a partnership with a new ... The digital infrastructure campus in Santa Teresa, planned by Austin-based BorderPlex Digital Assets, will include microgrid power generation ...
Those take place at the legendary “Pit” on the University of New Mexico campus in Albuquerque. The tournament games, including the state title games, will air live on the NFHS Network.
Our Lady of the Lake Hospital in Baton Rouge no longer lockdown after a reported shooting in a nearby parking lot ... there is no active threat on our campus. Please avoid the area around Hennessy ...
It won't be located in one of Santa Teresa's four industrial parks but will be a stand-alone campus located near Pete Domenici Highway or New Mexico Highway 136, a company official reported on Feb ...