Daniel Preda captures the heart-stopping moment when his pregnant golden retriever fakes labor.
Miami, Florida, USA Info from Licensor: "I'm in Miami visiting my grandchildren, son, and daughter; having fun with my grandson, Zeus. I filmed the most adorable moment of our golden retriever playing ...
A dog owner's video of her 'polite' golden retriever Joey has been viewed millions of times – with some left 'heartbroken' ...
After being found alone with his deceased owner, a golden retriever named Rocky spent a whole month in a shelter, waiting for ...
Dogs are celebrated as more than pets; they are loyal companions and cherished family members. A dog expert has revealed how ...
Every morning at 9:30 a.m., Ivy goes to work at the Tokyo Metropolitan Children’s Medical Center in Fuchu in western Tokyo.
"How did you allow him to have free roam? I have 3 and they all gang up and chew things," commented one viewer.
It all happened when the toddler asked Hudson the dog to "sit down" while holding a bag of treats. Well, Hudson was ...