There are premonitions of darkness, though. Helicopters clatter by, lorries full of soldiers pass. Posing for a family photo on the beach, they all chant, “Ditch the dictators!” Rubens, as well as ...
In Brazil, there is this sense that my mother and I are a continuation of something; two talents that endure in time,” the ...
From how to watch, to who's hosting, to what's nominated, here's everything you need to know about the Oscars!
I'm Still Here director Walter Salles opens up about the powerful response the biographical drama has received around the ...
Directed by Walter Salles, I'm Still Here is only the third Brazilian film in history to pass a significant milestone. Find ...
The Academy Award nominee speaks about her mother, Fernanda Montenegro, Oscar campaigning and the love and support she feels ...
Golden Globe winner Fernanda Torres plays real-life Brazilian activist Eunice Paiva in "I'm Still Here," which is up for ...
Fernanda Torres is a Brazilian national treasure. Now, the actress has come full circle with her famous mom and ...
The Brazilian film I'm Still Here is gathering steam ahead of its wider American release on the back of its well-deserved 3 ...
Actress Fernanda Torres is nominated for a Best Actress in a Leading Role Oscar for her performance in 'I'm Still Here,' a film which takes place in Rio De Janeiro in the 1970s and focuses on a woman ...