At the ministerial meeting on the role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Gaza, the West Bank and the region, President Charles Michel str ...
If you applied for the one-year badge 2024 in December 2023, you do not need to register again. This badge is intended for journalists resident in Belgium and gives access, during the whole calendar ...
The EU issued a statement expressing extreme concern about the military escalation between Israel and Hezbollah, urging both parties to urgently implement a ceasefire and respect international humanit ...
The Council adopted a decision to submit, on behalf of the EU, a proposal to change the conservation status of wolves in the Bern Convention.
The newly-named internal market emergency and resilience act (IMERA), formerly known as the single market emergency ...
Taryba patvirtino Vidaus rinkos veikimo užtikrinimo ekstremaliomis sąlygomis ir atsparumo didinimo aktą (IMERA).
Rada dnes s konečnou platností schválila nařízení, kterým se zřizuje rámec opatření pro mimořádné situace a odolnost vnitřního trhu, známé jako akt pro odolnost a mimořádné situace na vnitřním trhu ...
The Council has adopted its first reading position on the Single Sky reform, aiming to improve the efficiency of airspace management across the EU.
Consiliul și-a dat astăzi aprobarea finală pentru un regulament de instituire a unui cadru de măsuri privind situațiile de urgență și reziliența în cadrul pieței interne, cunoscut mai bine sub ...
O Conselho deu hoje a sua aprovação final a um regulamento que estabelece um quadro de medidas em matéria de emergência e resiliência do mercado interno, mais conhecido como Regulamento de Emergência ...
El Consejo ha dado hoy su aprobación definitiva a un Reglamento por el que se establece un marco de medidas sobre la emergencia y la resiliencia del mercado interior, más conocido como Reglamento de ...
The Council has today given its final approval to a regulation establishing a framework of measures on the emergency and resilience of the internal market, better known as the internal market ...