弘業期貨A股(深:001236)現漲停,報11.44元(人民幣.下同),升10%,最低價9.88元;成交8529萬股,成交金額9.02億元;量比1.6倍,換手率26.1%。 弘業期貨H股(03678)升3.6%,報1.75港元,最高價1.78港元,最低價1.62港元;成交6130萬股,成交金額1.04億港元;主動買沽比率57:43,資金淨主動買入1479萬港元。弘業期貨A股較H股呈617.9%溢價 ...
《經濟通通訊社20日專訊》據《路透》引述消息人士指,中證監已暫停至少3間國內奶茶 公司的海外股票發行計劃,主要是擔憂國內消費信心減弱,加上茶百道(02555)在香港上 市首日股價暴跌近27%所帶來的負面影響。 消息人士透露,蜜雪冰城、古茗控股和滬上阿姨等公司的境外上市計劃今年均被中證監推遲 擁有約3﹒6萬間門店的蜜雪冰城,早前已向港交所(00388)遞交IPO申請,計劃 在香港上市集資最多10億美 ...
《經濟通通訊社20日專訊》弘業期貨A股(深:001236)現漲停,報11﹒44元 (人民幣.下同),升10%,最低價9﹒88元;成交8529萬股,成交金額9﹒02億元 ;量比1﹒6倍,換手率26﹒1%。 弘業期貨H股(03678)升3﹒6%,報1﹒75港元,最高價1﹒78港元,最低價 1﹒62港元;成交6130萬股,成交金額1﹒04億港元;主動買沽比率57:43,資金 淨主動買入1479萬港元。弘 ...
《窝轮豪情》各主要业务类别中,现时超短线表现最强者为非必需性消费业、资讯科技业与 金融业。此外,于笔者监察的150支证券中,超短线投机价值最高者现为中国平安 (02318 ...
三十年期美國債券孳息率4﹒048% 4﹒07% 十年期美國債券孳息率 3﹒716% 3﹒71% 五年期美國債券孳息率 3﹒477% 3﹒51% 三年期美國債券孳息率 3﹒461% 3 ...
[ET Net News Agency, 20 September 2024] CHINA RES MIXC (01209) rose 2.9% to HK$26.45. It hits an intra-day high of HK$26.5, hitting an 1-month high, and an intra-day low of HK$25.15. The total shares ...
[ET Net News Agency, 20 September 2024] NEW WORLD DEV (00017) rose 5.4% to HK$7.61, breaking above the 50-D SMA of HK$7.272. It hits an intra-day high of HK$7.63, and an intra-day low of HK$7.17. The ...
[ET Net News Agency, 20 September 2024] POWER ASSETS (00006) fell 2.9% to HK$52.55, dipping below the 20-D SMA of HK$53.258. It hits an intra-day low of HK$52.45, and an intra-day high of HK$54.35.
[ET Net News Agency, 20 September 2024] CHINAHONGQIAO (01378) rose 2.6% to HK$10.94. It hits an intra-day high of HK$11, hitting an 1-month high, and an intra-day low of HK$10.54. The total shares ...
[ET Net News Agency, 20 September 2024] MENGNIU DAIRY (02319) rose 3% to HK$13.76. It hits an intra-day high of HK$13.78, hitting an 1-month high, and an intra-day low of HK$13.44. The total shares ...
[ET Net News Agency, 20 September 2024] CKI HOLDINGS (01038) fell 3% to HK$54.9, dipping below the 20-D SMA of HK$56.471. It hits an intra-day low of HK$54.9, and an intra-day high of HK$56.4. The ...
《經濟通通訊社20日專訊》國藥(01099)於1:23pm錄得1手430﹒08萬 股交叉盤,每股造17﹒11元,較上日收市價低不足0﹒1%,涉資7359萬元。 國藥現價無升跌,報17﹒12元;成交790﹒58萬股,成交金額1﹒35億元,主動 買沽比率62:38,資金淨主動買入1379萬元。(rw) 【你點睇】的士記分制將於周末生效,你認為該制度可否幫助的士提升服務質素?► 立即投票 ...