Sam Spade to Brigid O'Shaughnessy : "You never played square with me for half an hour at a stretch since I've known you." [01:35:20] Earlier, Barton MacLane, as Det. Lt. Dundy tells Sam : "You know me ...
"Stephen Jones was born in Clinton, Huron County, Ontario in 1869. The family came to Victoria in 1872, where he went to the old Boys Central School. His father established the Dominion Hotel on Yates ...
English Christian mystic and writer on masonic and occult subjects, best remembered for the design of the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck published in 1910, A.E. Waite wrote A New Encyclopaedia of ...
British naval officer, won fame as a leading naval commander before his death at the Battle of Trafalgar made him one of Britain’s greatest national heroes. His title in full was Vice Admiral of the ...
Born Adolph, he changed his name to Arthur during World War I but was known professionally as Harpo. The second oldest of the four Marx brothers comedy team, Harpo rarely if ever spoke while in ...
An early science fiction writer, Wells also wrote historical and scientific texts, and much fiction. Author of "The Rediscovery of the Unique", published in The Fortnightly Review (1891), Wells' early ...
Social reformer and freethinker, Annie Besant née Wood wrote many articles on issues such as marriage and women’s rights for Charles Bradlaugh's National Reformer. In 1877 she wrote a book advocating ...
Dr Andrew Henderson was born in Sorel, Québec, studying medicine at McGill University before travelling west. As surgeon for the Canadian Pacific Railway he later found himself in Minnesota where he ...
The son of an Anglican clergyman, Robert Beaven was born in England, moving to Upper Canada in 1842. Travelling to the Cariboo in search of gold, he later settled in Victoria, becoming a commission ...
Arriving in Vancouver in 1887, Robert Alexander served as Vancouver mayor for 1894. Anderson was elected alderman for 1892-93. A realtor, once elected mayor he continued layoffs of civic employees ...
Youngest of Johann Sebastian Bach’s four sons, musician and composer Johann Christian was known as the English Bach. In 1760 he was appointed organist of Milan cathedral and in 1762 he became composer ...
Correspondence received by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon from brethren who are not British Columbia and Yukon Constitution members will be replied to by way of their Grand Secretary.