teaching Calculus I at Columbia mentoring a student on enumerative combinatorics and cyclotomic polynomials for the Directed Reading Program giving some talks on multiple Dirichlet series (at the ...
NYU today put out a press release claiming that Physicists ‘Bootstrap’ Validity of String Theory, telling us that NYU and Caltech scientists develop innovative mathematical approach to ...
Nordita ran a program on quantum gravity, featuring lectures and panel discussions on various approaches to the subject. Lecture notes from the six mini-courses are now available ...
It’s been taking me forever to sort out and write down the details of implications of the proposal described here. While waiting for that to be done, I thought it might be a good idea to write up one ...
Graeme Baker is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Statistics, and his research interests are in probability theory, partial differential equations, and applications of these fields. His ...
The square peg problem was posed by Otto Toeplitz in 1911. It asks whether every Jordan curve in the plane contains the vertices of a square, and it is still open to this day. I will survey the ...