Restoring the world's degraded land and holding back its deserts will require at least US$2.6 trillion in investment by the end of the decade, the U.N. executive overseeing ...
International Cheetah Day, observed globally on 4 December, will mark the premiere of 'Return of the Cheetah', a new Discovery Channel documentary that sheds light on the ...
The University of Namibia (Unam) has inaugurated brand new facilities at its Katima Mulilo campus - a state-of-the-art facility dedicated for the department of wildlife ...
Accelerating the clean energy transition will usher in one of the most significant economic and industrial transformations in modern times.Delivering the COP28 commitment to ...
Joe Biden headed to Angola on Sunday for a trip that will deliver on a promise to visit Africa during his presidency and focus on a major US-backed railway project that aims ...
The total amount spent on managing 24 tonnes of various waste types amounts to N$ 61917. 00. A significant portion of the waste comprises beverage containers, with 89661 ...
In die kombuis van St. Anthony’s is die hoofsjef Annria Rossouw, ’n Suid-Afrikaner wat gereeld haar Kook en Geniet nader trek om duisende maaltye elke dag saam met haar ...
Nou die dag besluit ’n ou om sonder sy flikkerlig voor my in te ry. So, lyk my al die grappies oor BMW-bestuurders wat nie weet hoe om hulle flikkerligte te gebruik nie, is ...
Nuusredaksie – Republikein se redaksie is gereed om hierdie feestyd terug in die gemeenskap te ploeg en ons wil ons lesers die geleentheid gee om deel te wees van ...
Meatco se algemene jaarvergadering (AJV) vir 2024 is tot eerskomende Donderdag uitgestel en sal om 09:00 by die Wanderers-sportklub in Windhoek plaasvind. Tydens ...
Die Swapo-strydos en voormalige eerste minister, Nahas Angula, sê verlede week se nasionale verkiesing was die swakste sedert Namibië se onafhanklikwording. Volgens Angula ...
Adv. Peet Harmse – Baie rolspelers in die landbousektor bedryf ook gaste- en jagplase en dit is noodsaaklik dat die bepalings van die Wet op die Beheer van Tabakprodukte van ...