Government's tax arm will give out a string of benefits to UK households as we head through the third month of the year.
Raising benefit limit from two to three children remains an option. But overall cap will stay prompting  'deep disappointment ...
More than 200,000 families have been warned they are missing out of the Healthy Start scheme, which offers free food vouchers ...
The Treasury will put the proposed cuts to the government's official forecaster, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), ...
Child Benefit payments will increase for millions of families from next month. HMRC has confirmed that families with one child will now receive the new amount of £26.05 per week, up from £25.60 each ...
Approximately seven million families in the UK claim Child Benefit ... Unlike other benefits such as Child Tax Credits, there's no limit to the number of children parents can claim for.
or your partner are State Pension age and get Working Tax Credits or Working Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits the Department for Communities will send you a letter called a ‘Migration Notice ...
Among the proposals being discussed are exemptions for parents with children under five, as well as disabled children ...
Brits are being urged to do a review of their National Insurance record to make sure their credits are up to date ... to your pre-tax State Pension. However, the rate you pay depends on which ...
Pension Credit – Could ... for full tax years (6 April to 5 April) between 1978 and 2010, if any of the following were true: you were claiming Child Benefit for a child under 16 you were caring ...