Tampaknya, janda tiga anak itu yang memegang ponsel dan mengambil foto selfie mereka. Sementara dr Oky Pratama di sampingnya tersenyum lebar ke arah kamera. Dia tampak mengenakan baju polo warna hitam ...
Perencana Ahli Madya Direktorat Jenderal Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil (Ditjen Dukcapil), Ahmad Ridwan mengungkapkan bahwa penggantian nama di KTP diperbolehkan. Untuk penggantian nama di KTP ...
Ever since Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' second season came to a dramatic close at the end of 2023, fans have been clamouring for another instalment. The series follows Captain Pike (Anson Mount ...
Something unusual is happening in the oceans. Strange deep-sea creatures are surfacing, and marine life is behaving unpredictably. From the rare sighting of the so-called “doomsday fish” to ...
Syarat dan Cara Ganti Foto KTP Per 1 Maret 2025 TRIBUNJATENG.COM - Berikut syarat dan cara ganti foto KTP 2025. Penggantian foto KTP sebenarnya diperbolehkan, namun harus sesuai dengan Peraturan ...
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) merupakan identitas resmi yang wajib dimiliki setiap warga negara Indonesia. Namun, ada kalanya foto yang tertera di KTP kurang sesuai atau sudah tidak ...
The BBC has made an announcement over the new series of Doctor Who after addressing the show's future recently. It's also been announced this week that Alan Cumming will guest star in the second ...
The Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) is on his way back to your screens, this time with a new addition to the TARDIS, Belinda Chandra (Varada Sethu). Season two will officially launch on Saturday 12 April at ...
Ready for more adventures through time and space with Ncuti Gatwa‘s Doctor? Read on for everything we know about Doctor Who Season 2, from the premiere date to the cast and more. Ayling-Ellis ...
Disney+ and the BBC have set an April 12 premiere date for season two Doctor Who, starring Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor. (The show reset its season numbering with the most recent installment ...