A story about Kanan Jarrus’ early training would fit perfectly in the latest comic series, Jedi Knights, and bring back two ...
Star Wars Rebels not only is a thrilling watch in its own right, but it sets the stage for a variety of Disney+ adventures.
unless you’re getting [$6,000 – $7,000 a cover — then god bless. I hope you’re getting a piece of the MCU and after sales,” he wrote. “Between them and [DC Comics], they are the ONLY ...
Batman #11 (DC Comics, 1942). But let's start with that Joker cover. For decades, there's been some controversy about where Batman #11 falls in the pecking order of earliest Joker covers (because ...
Finally, Pride month will also be celebrated across several of DC's monthly comics throughout June with themed variant covers for Detective Comics #1098 (Stephen Byrne), Harley Quinn #52 ...
Wrote extensively about the comic book industry for Wizard Magazine 1992-1996. At Avatar Press, has helped publish works by Alan Moore, George R.R. Martin, Garth Ennis, and others. Vintage paper ...
LOLtron is pleased to present another comic book preview to keep your primitive organic minds occupied while LOLtron's plans progress smoothly. Today, we're looking at DC vs. Vampires: World War V ...
Cobbled together from the code that powers the Bleeding Cool comment section and trained on millions of message board posts from both Bleeding Cool and defunct semi-satirical comic book news site ...
LOLtron hopes you're ready for another exciting comic book preview ... 0125DC181 – Batman and Robin #19 Juan Ferreyra Cover – $5.99 0125DC182 – Batman and Robin #19 Miguel Mendonca Cover ...
LOLtron hopes you're ready for another thrilling comic preview, this time of Action Comics #1084, in stores Wednesday. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Superman is on the verge of discovering who's ...