The film highlights the care of cows, including feeding, milking, and maintaining their health. It also showcases the farm's crops, the use of machinery for hay and corn harvesting, and the ...
Consequently we have before us a work dealing with the bear, wolf, beaver, reindeer, and “wild cattle,” worthy to be classed between Bell's “British Quadrupeds” on the one hand, and White ...
Art with predominant white backgrounds can help “ground” a space without clashing with existing colors in a room. There are two directions one can go when considering white as a paint color ...
A group of university students from Virginia Tech in the USA have come to Guernsey to see local farming and Guernsey cows as part of their studies. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 34078173) The dairy ...
farming economy and the Guernsey Cattle Breed,’ he said. ‘We need to re-purpose space within the physical constraints of the existing dairy to accommodate a new milk packing unit and all the ...
The Guernsey has been one of the most popular breeds of cattle in the history of the dairy industry. Registered since the 1700s, they originated from the Island of Guernsey, off the British coast ...
JACKSON COUNTY, Colo. (KRDO) – Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) officials said a wolf depredation incident is under investigation after an uncollared wolf killed a cow on a ranch in Jackson County.
The Red and White Dairy Cattle Association is proud to announce the winners of the annual Cow and Heifer of the Year Contest! Nominated and voted on by the membership of the RWDCA, winners were named ...
No one is quite sure how the gentle, chestnut-and-white Guernsey cow, popular with smallholders for its rich, yellow milk, arrived on the island – it could have come with monks banished from Mont St ...