Through the Indiana Youth Institute, resources are being provided to empower, educate and equip mentors and teachers.
The Youth Risk Behavior Survey has shown that LGBT youth in Wisconsin are more likely to feel unsafe at school.
University of Chicago Developmental psychologist Ariel Kalil has spent her career studying how parents influence childhood ...
Mothers who lost their children to fentanyl deaths, from left, Laura Didier, Laura Collanton, Elizabeth Dillender and Gina ...
ChatGPT hallucinated that a man murdered two of his children, triggering a complaint in Europe that OpenAI and regulators ...
The Yale University research lab was tracking thousands of Ukrainian children forcibly deported to Russia since the invasion ...
According to additional internal payment records obtained by The Post, executives and employees at Southwest Key Programs ...
Ohio's ID R Kids program, giving ID cards to children, could help police find them when they go missing, BMV says to missing persons working group.
The Honolulu Police Department said 12 cases involving victims between 11 and 17 years old have come up in the last four ...
Roughly 1,500 school districts nationwide use Gaggle’s software to track the online activity of approximately 6 million ...