The Oregon House voted Thursday to renew a tax on hospitals and health insurance plans to help increase funding for the state ...
The Oregon House of Representatives passed HB 2010, a bipartisan bill that would ensure ongoing funding for the state's ...
Ore., said Wednesday that the nation’s spending on Medicaid programs is unsustainable, and he urged patience as Republicans ...
Ahead of the scheduled vote today, critics of the budget have warned that should the budget get approved, it would result in ...
The Oregon Hospital Association is urging lawmakers to pass HB 2010-A, which would protect access to healthcare for 1.4 ...
These states will see the biggest impact if Congress ends Medicaid expansion coverage for 20 million Americans - Republicans ...
The big, beautiful budget bill is not so pretty to Oregon's Democrats.Senator Jeff Merkley criticized the budget resolution that passed the House on Tuesday wit ...
The Oregon health authority meeting today with an advisory committee to provide updates on its Medicaid programs and services ...
For the first time in nearly a decade, Oregon’s hospitals reported spending less to cover the cost of poor people’s medical ...
Hospitals in the state each have a minimum spending floor for community benefit activities and under-reimbursement.
Most of Oregon’s nonprofit hospitals still exceeded their required minimum community benefit spending, set in state law, by ...