Twelve years into his tenure, Northwestern is looking to extend head basketball coach Chris Collins. Already the most successful coach in program history, the 50-year-old is expected to sign a ...
This spring, the University of Colorado Law School is excited to present a brand-new program: What is Legal Education? This no-cost four-week series is designed specifically for those who are ...
Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American studies (SPLAS) Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American studies (SPLAS) is a lively and dynamic section within the School of Modern Languages. You could receive ...
The Center for the Study of Constitutional Originalism at the University of San Diego School of Law studies all aspects of originalism by organizing conferences, hosting speakers, sponsoring fellows, ...
Northwestern University confers degrees through various schools, such as: the Kellogg School of Management, the School of Law, the Feinberg School of Medicine, the Robert R. McCormick School of ...
The conference is a cooperative effort among the University of Kansas School of Law, Northwestern Law School, University of San Diego School of Law, and Boston College Law School to hold an annual ...
The Utrecht University School of Law conducts top-ranking research in all important legal fields: private law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law and international law. Our ...
School of Biosciences Bioscientists have a vital role to play in finding solutions to the world’s biggest challenges – and with our world-leading research, innovative teaching, and a supportive and ...
The Utrecht University School of Governance (USG) studies public issues and public organisations in their interaction with the developments in politics and society. The key question in this is how ...
The body of 25-year-old Northwestern ... University asked its community to help with their search for the Ph.D. candidate after he was reported missing the next day. A tweet from the school ...
Northwestern Oklahoma State University, a public institution, has been offering online bachelor's degree programs since 2012-2013. The majority of the online classes are recorded and archived so ...