Despite delaying service entry by up to 10 years, Airbus is still pressing ahead with its ZEROe hydrogen aircraft programme ...
A fuel cell is a device that generates electric energy through electrochemical reactions between an oxidizing agent and a fuel – a material that stores energy in chemical form. Both species are ...
Center of Artificial Photosynthesis for Solar Fuels and Department of Chemistry, School of Science and Research Center for Industries of the Future, Westlake University, 600 Dunyu Road, Hangzhou ...
Fuel cell electric vehicles use electricity to power an electric motor, just like a normal EV. However, FCEVs use hydrogen fuel cells to produce some of the electricity needed to power the vehicle ...
For the project, will deliver its X150 fuel cell modules, which can deliver over 1 MW of power output. Zepp also specifies that the system “has already proven itself in heavy-duty ...
Toyota has officially unveiled its 3rd Generation Fuel Cell System, introducing significant advancements in hydrogen technology for both commercial and passenger applications. This latest iteration ...
Article Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to ...
albeit by impairing the cell’s ability to mitigate DNA damage. GEF, guanine nucleotide exchange factor; FAK, focal adhesion kinase; MMR, mismatch repair; MSI, microsatellite instability. Created in ...
Flow field designs for the bipolar plates of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell are reviewed; including the serpentine, parallel, interdigitated, mesh type or their mixtures, furthermore 2D ...
Profilee Satyajit Mayor discusses his explorations of cell membranes, which are helping to update the classical fluid mosaic model of dynamic cellular boundaries. On March 7, researchers will rally in ...